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The Daily Digest

A meeting leads the Digest today.

Gov. Pawlenty and DFL legislative leaders will meet for the first time in 155 days this morning. The group will meet at the governor's residence to discuss the upcoming legislative session.

The meeting comes one day after the State Economist told lawmakers that the state faces a fiscal trap.

The Army Corps of Engineers narrows its options for flood control in North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota. AP and MPR have stories.

Flood watchers aim to improve forecasting.

The LCCMR approves 48 projects.

Minnesota hospitals have revised their visiting policies due to H1N1.

The Moose Lake Sex Offender Treatment Center has some new, large TVs that even the residents say aren't necessary.

Gang Strike Force claims stack up.

The Pawlenty Administration says its state funding recommendation for broadband is not a public document.


NPR has a fascinating series on how airlines are sending planes abroad to cut costs. Here's part one and part two.

Support for the public option surges in a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

The leader of Afghanistan is said to accept a runoff in that nation's election for president.

Iran says nuclear talks won't stop their nuclear enrichment plans.

The government unveils new mortgage help.

The feds say they won't arrest patients who use marijuana to treat their pain.

The White House also unveils its strategy regarding Sudan.

DFL Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken will attend a news conference today urging quick passage of the extension of unemployment benefits.

Klobuchar wants the Senate Majority Leader to give special consideration to legislation that would reduce the nation's debt.

DFL Sen. Al Franken is still working to pay off his recount debt.

The New York Times says Franken is in the "probably yes" camp when it comes to the Climate Change vote.

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen held a hearing on the proposed taxes on health care. WCCO, the Star Tribune and Finance and Commerce have stories.

Paulsen called the tax "wrong headed" but Senate Finance Chair doesn't back down on the tax.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison joined the US Congressional Caucus on US-Turkish Relations and Turkish Americans.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann says she supports a plan to send pink slips to members of Congress.

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson's Ag Committee will mark up his financial derivatives bill on Wednesday. His fellow Blue Dogs have said little about legislation regulating the financial system.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Sarah Palin will visit Wisconsin.

The invites for Pawlenty's D.C. fundraiser has surfaced. Here's the pretzels and pints invite. Here's larger buck invite.

2010 Race for Governor

The Star Tribune says Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak broke some of his "self-imposed rules on political money that were a centerpiece of his maiden 2001 campaign."

The Republican candidates for governor will meet in a speed-dating forum tonight. DFLers speed-date tomorrow. Info here.

Former DFL state Sen. Steve Kelley officially kicked off his campaign for governor. Kelley, who abided by the endorsement during his gov run in 2006, won't commit to abiding by the endorsement this year. AP, the Pi Press, MPR and the Star Tribune have stories.

You can listen to Kelley's announcement here.

The I-P is looking for its next Ventura.

2010 Race for Congress

DFL state Sen. Terri Bonoff said she's open to another run for Congress in Minnesota's 3rd District.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz has the highest percentage of contributions from in-state donors. DFL Rep. Keith Ellison has the lowest.