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Pawlenty, DFL leaders discuss 2010 session priorities

Gov. Tim Pawlenty and DFL legislative leaders say job creation will be a top priority for the 2010 session, which begins in February.

The Republican governor hosted a breakfast meeting today with key Democrats to begin discussing next year's session. Much of the focus will be on a bonding bill that pays for a wide variety of public construction projects. Pawlenty expects that borrowing measure will be no larger than $800 million. He also wants to see tax credits and other financial incentives aimed at helping businesses create new jobs.

"From our standpoint we just can't have an economy based on building government stuff and government programs. There has to be incentives and a better environment and competitive environment here for private sector investment in job growth."

Pawlenty and DFL leaders also discussed ways to mitigate the impact from the governor's decision to eliminate a state-subsidized health care program. More than 30,000 adults are scheduled to lose coverage.

Another topic was the state's longterm financial health. DFL leaders want action to head off an anticipated budget deficit in the next two-year budget cycle. Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller, DFL-Minneapolis, said he offered a hand of cooperation.

"It's unclear whether the governor will take us up on that," Pogemiller said. "I think there's a real strong concern that the ship of state is headed toward an iceberg here. And we're hoping that the governor takes us up on our offer to eat away at the significant budget deficit of $5 billion to $7 billion."