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The Daily Digest

The Digest leads today with Marine Staff Sgt. Aaron Taylor, of Two Harbors, and Guard Specialist George W. Cauley of Walker. The two men were killed in Afghanistan.


The federal stimulus chalks up nearly 12,000 jobs in Minnesota. An official with MMB said the pricetag is $20k/job. AP, MPR, the Pi Press and the Star Tribune have stories.

The Senate Finance Committee votes on the health care reform bill today.

Democrats say an Insurance Industry report on the health reform plan is flawed.

The New York Times says Congress is split on whether to tax costly health plans.

President Obama's approval rating jumps.

DFL Sen. Al Franken supports changes to the student loan program. MPR, WCCO and the Pi Press have stories.

Franken is also scheduled to speak to the National Jewish Democratic Council on October 20th.

Politifiact says GOP Rep. John Kline's statement that "under the hate crime bill, religious leaders could be prosecuted for preaching about sexual practices" is false.

The Muslim Coalition will hold an interfaith meeting on health care. DFL Rep. Keith Ellison will attend.

Michele Bachmann's action figure isn't selling so well.

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson offers his latest proposal to overhaul the financial derivatives market.

Under the Dome

Gov. Pawlenty holds a morning news conference to discuss health care reform.

State tax collections are $52 million short of projections in the last quarter.

Several Wisconsin and Minnesota lawmakers want Gov. Pawlenty and Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle to salvage the reciprocity agreement that Pawlenty ended. Gov. Pawlenty told me two weeks ago that it won't happen.

A federal audit says the St. Paul Public Housing Agency misused funds. The agency denies the mishandling of the funds.

The wait time for beds for the homeless is getting longer.

2010 Race for Governor

MN House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher said she isn't running for reelection as a state Rep.. It's governor or bust.

The Pi Press says the candidates are courting potential delegates.

2010 Race for Congress

Jim Meffert, a DFLer, considers a run for Congress against GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen.

DFLers Tarryl Clark and Maureen Reed released their fundraising numbers for the 3rd Quarter. GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann's campaign will release their figures later this week.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Pawlenty has a busy speaking schedule this week.

The Hill also reports that Pawlenty is surrounding himself with former McCain for President staffers. Here's a list.

The Des Moines Register says there haven't been as many candidate visits to Iowa this year as the same time four years ago.

Norm Coleman is reportedly Tim Pawlenty's "main man" in the Jewish community. Pawlenty is scheduled to speak before the Republican Jewish Coalition this week. Norm Coleman did consultant work for the group.

The conservative Human Events takes a closer look at Pawlenty.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Nassar Kazeminy is suing a former employee who sued him and alleged that he funneled money to former GOP Sen. Norm Coleman. The underlying lawsuit was dismissed in August.