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Democrats rip Pawlenty’s health plan…

DFL Party officials and DFL members of the Legislature are criticizing Gov. Pawlenty's health care proposal that he released today. DFL Sen. Linda Berglin, who chairs the Senate Health and Human Services Budget Division, said in a statement that she doesn't think Pawlenty's plan will save money:

"Governor Pawlenty's "health care reform initiatives" are not focused on lowering the cost of health care, but are another feeble attempt to look like he is doing something to solve the problem. For example, the only way to save money by selling across state lines is by providing substandard policies. What this does is put more money into the pockets of the insurance companies. Another example is when he dropped 33,000 of the sickest and most vulnerable people off of General Assistance Medical Care (GAMC) in an effort to save money earlier this year. The Governor does not have Minnesotans best interest in mind."

DFL state Rep. Paul Thissen, who chairs the House Health and Human Services Policy Committee, said there's nothing new in Pawlenty's proposal. Thissen, who is running for governor, issued this statement:

"This is just Governor Pawlenty recycling old ideas. This 'new' proposal simply creates more layers of bureaucracy for things the state of Minnesota should already be doing. The only way that he can save money for the state is by reducing consumer health care protections for Minnesotans."

DFL Party Chair Brian Melendez also released a statement saying Pawlenty's plan is "more of the same."

"The Governor's efforts to protect HMOs and maintain the status quo on health care are neither new nor innovative, and would not work for the people of Minnesota. Governor Pawlenty's more-of-the-same attitude has become his trademark, and today's rehash of previously failed health-care initiatives shows no leadership, no courage, and no foresight - three qualities that are sorely lacking in this governorship. Sometimes you really can't teach an old dog new tricks."