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The Daily Digest

The 2010 governor's race leads the Digest today.

The Minnesota Nurses Association is backing DFL state Rep. Paul Thissen for governor.

Ten of the DFL candidates for governor debated the issues in Duluth. Northland News Center has a story on the debate. You can listen to the full debate here.

The Republican candidates will meet in a forum in Mounds View next week.

The Winona Tea Party sees a swelling in ranks. Former State Auditor Pat Anderson and state Rep. Tom Emmer, both GOP candidates for governor, are courting them.

Maureen Reed may run in a DFL primary against Tarryl Clark in Minnesota's 6th District.


HMOs are targeting the Senate health bill. They say the cost of the plan is off the mark.

The St. Cloud Times says companies are enlisting employees to help defeat the health reform bill.

President Obama promises to repeal "Don't ask, don't tell."

Obama also says he's weeks away from a decision on the Afghanistan.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz takes his constituents pulse on Afghanistan. The Winona Daily News and the Rochester Post-Bulletin have stories.

The Climate Change bill is making business owners in the Rust Belt uneasy.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar will hold a meeting on Wall St. reform today. She wrote an op-ed saying credit ratings top the list for reform.

DFL Sen. Al Franken will discuss the cost of higher education at the U of M today.

MPR examines the effect of the stimulus bill. Franken and GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen are mentioned.

North Dakota's Public Service Commission is worried about Google voice's impact on rural residents. GOP Rep. John Kline, GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann and DFL Rep. Collin Peterson are mentioned.

Minnesotans head to Washington D.C. for immigration reform. Klobuchar, Franken and DFL Rep. Keith Ellison are mentioned.

Ellison is also mentioned in this story saying some Muslims feel implicated in the war on terror.

The derivatives plan in the U.S. House moves closer to Obama's plan. Peterson is mentioned.

Congress may rewrite some of the most basic rules governing pilots. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

Under the Dome

Minnesota nurses will rally against state health care cuts later today.

Minnesota fears a hefty hit for aiding the poor if the health care reform bill becomes law.

AP says state budgets got a boost from the cash for clunkers program.

Attorney General Lori Swanson is suing Ferrelgas.

The state food lab is getting $250k in federal funds.

The state expands the welfare fraud program.

The U of M seeks a $240 million bonding request.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty will privately speak to the Republican Metropolitan Committee tonight.

Pawlenty congratulates President Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize but still questions the award.

The Pi Press examines Pawlenty's shift on cap and trade.

Pawlenty's GOP rival, Mitt Romney, is visiting New Jersey and PA.


Sorry Twins. Go Phillies!