Minnesota nurses rally against cuts to subsidized health care

Nurses protest GAMC cuts
Members of the Minnesota Nurses Association march up the state Capitol steps during a protest of cuts in state-subsidized health care.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

Minnesota nurses are calling for tax increases to protect subsidized health care for more than 30,000 low-income adults.

Members of the Minnesota Nurses Association and their supporters rallied at the Capitol today to protest Gov. Tim Pawlenty's decision to eliminate General Assistance Medial Care funding beginning next year. They delivered a list of demands to Pawlenty's office that included restoring GAMC by raising revenues.

Union President Linda Slattengren says ending GAMC will hurt the state's poorest and most vulnerable residents.

"Tragically, these are our veterans, our senior citizens, our homeless, our families and neighbors with mental illness. Most of these recipients live on $203 a month," said Slattengren.

The governor's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Pawlenty used his executive powers to eliminate GAMC funding as part of his solution for the state's budget deficit.

The Minnesota Nurses Association is a union with 20,000 registered nurses as members.