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The Daily Digest

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman made a stunning announcement when he said he wasn't running for governor. It was widely expected that Coleman would enter the race. MPR, the Star Tribune, AP and the Pi Press have stories.

Five of the DFL candidates for governor told MPR that Matt Entenza told them he would spend whatever it takes to win the governor's race.

Entenza and the other remaining DFL candidates for governor will attend a debate today in Duluth. The union, AFSCME, is hosting the debate.

Meanwhile, five of the GOP candidates for governor will attend a debate on Saturday in Washington County.

Pat Anderson, the Former State Auditor and current GOP candidate for Governor, writes an op-ed criticizing the Star Tribune's editorial board for saying the GOP field leaves room for a moderate.

Under the Dome

Many of the Midwestern governors met in Michigan and unite to draw green business. Gov. Pawlenty was not in attendance.

Members of the House Capital Investment Committee are predicting quick action on a bonding bill.

Minnesota investigators find sexual abuse at a St. Louis Park nursing home.

More drunken driving offenders are using an interlock ignition program.

A task force says the U of M has a big revenue problem.

12 northwest Minnesota counties have been declared a disaster area.

Minnesota nurses will march on Pawlenty's office to protest his budget cuts.

Minnesota's seatbelt use his 90 percent.

DFL Rep. John Lesch has signed up with the Minnesota National Guard to be an infantryman.

The RNC 8 attorneys want the trials consolidated.


President Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

The award comes at a time when Obama is trying to decide whether to send more troops into Afghanistan.

The Washington Post says the U.S. will try to weaken not vanquish the Taliban.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz attended a White House meeting on Afghanistan.

Republicans, like GOP Rep. John Kline, wanted key Defense personnel at a classified White House briefing on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Obama will sign a bill to help U.S. Dairy farmers.

A Quinnipiac Poll says Republicans are getting their lowest grades since President Obama was elected.

The House votes to expand the definition of hate crimes. The Star Tribune says "Minnesota's House delegation was split. Voting "yes" were Democrats Ralph Ellison, Betty McCollum, Jim Oberstar, and Tim Walz and Republican Erik Paulsen. Voting "no" were Republicans Michele Bachmann and John Kline and Democrat Collin Peterson."

Democratic women in the U.S. Senate speak about health care. DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is mentioned.

Unemployment benefits have been extended for Minnesotans under a Senate bill. Klobuchar is mentioned.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz said he's open to the idea of a soda tax.

DFL Sen. Al Franken signed a letter supporting the public option in the final health bill. Klobuchar did not sign the letter.

Franken also wants to end tax breaks for drug company marketing.

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen blogs about free trade.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison said a Muslim group paid $13,500 for his trip to Saudi Arabia. He disclosed the amount after an Ethics Committee said he should report the cost.

The DNC goes after GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann over her health care claims.

Bill O'Reilly wonders whether Democrats are attacking Bachmann because of her looks.

Bachmann signed on to a letter that raises concerns that Google voice will harm rural consumers.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty was in Atlanta yesterday to attend RGA meetings.

A constitutional scholar says history is on Mitt Romney's side to win the Republican nomination.


Congress will look into the Vikings case.