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The Daily Digest

The flu leads the digest today.

134 schools report H1N1 outbreaks.

MPR says the first doses of the H1N1 vaccine will go to health workers.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty filed the paperwork today for the Freedom First PAC, his federal political action committee. He also restarted his website.

Politico, MPR and AP have a look at his campaign team.

Smart Politics examines whether Pawlenty could win the presidency without Minnesota.

Arizona Sen. John McCain said he's willing to host a fundraiser for Pawlenty if he visits the state. McCain recently held an event for Mitt Romney.

Under the Dome

Gov. Pawlenty is going to give broadband stimulus funds to telecoms.

Pawlenty also says the state has work to do to be more business friendly.

Minnesota and Wisconsin lawmakers want to reinstate the tax reciprocity agreement.

A study favors a high-speed rail line that goes through Rochester as opposed to along the Mississippi River.

Fox9 says hospitals are undergoing significant cuts.

140 thousand kids in Minnesota are living in poverty.

The Census says Minnesota is among the leaders in welfare spending.

Dakota County is freezing non-union wages.

The Vikings are preparing another stadium push.

Attorney General Lori Swanson is suing two out-of-state companies for selling allegedly fraudulent health insurance coverage to the uninsured.

The state's road projects are safe despite the transportation act expiration.

Minnesota groups oppose nuclear waste reprocessing.


The Minneapolis Fed picks a new leader.

President Obama is hunkering down to decide a strategy in Afghanistan.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar makes a health reform appeal to women.

DFL Sen. Al Franken offers a health insurance bill.

Franken and former GOP Sen. David Durenberger wrote an op-ed saying the status quo is costing billions.

Republicans are criticizing a Democrat who said a Republican plan for health reform is to "die quickly."

The health bill is on track for a committee vote in the Senate.

Senate Majority Harry Reid cancels the October recess to pass health reform.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz said the U.S. may do everything right in Afghanistan and still fail.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum presented her bill to target corporations that commit felonies.

A community discussion on AIDS will occur on Friday in Minneapolis. DFL Rep. Keith Ellison is mentioned.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar wants the Senate to extend the transportation bill.

The Senate passes a bill to avoid a government shutdown.

The Supreme Court will review a state gun law and a Patriot Act provision.

Nike to quit a Chamber of Commerce post to protest the business lobby's climate change legislation.

General Motors will close Saturn after Penske Motors pulls out of a deal.


The AFL-CIO holds a gubernatorial campaign forum today. AFSCME will hold one next week.

Supporters of Ron Paul are lining up behind Pat Anderson's campaign for governor.

The Republican candidates for governor join a call to probe ACORN.


The President of Somalia is making a rare visit to the Twin Cities.