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DNC on Pawlenty PAC: Back to the future

Here's the DNC release on Gov. Pawlenty's team of advisers helping him with his Freedom First PAC:

Washington, D.C. -- Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty (R) - proving that he represents more of the same failed Republican politics and policy that have bedeviled the party in two consecutive elections rather than the fresh face he'd like people to believe - formally announced the formation of his "Freedom First" PAC today. The PAC is advised and chaired by the same Washington lobbyists, insiders and former advisers to President Bush whose brand of politics and approach to policies resulted in America being less secure at home, less respected in the rest of the world and gave the United States the worst economic crisis since the great depression, including:

Terry Nelson, former Bush-Cheney Political Director; Sara Taylor, former Political Director in the Bush White House; Alex Conant, former McCain spokesman; Vin Weber, mega lobbyist and former Bush advisor; Jeff Larson, major RNC consultant and former Norm Coleman landlord; and William Strong, former Bush Ranger.

"Talk about back to the future," said DNC National Press Secretary Hari Sevugan. "Recycling advisers from George W. Bush and relying on Washington insiders and lobbyists has to be utterly disappointing for those who thought Tim Pawlenty would bring a fresh approach to the Republican Party. The fact is - Tim Pawlenty, in his recent public pronouncements and now in who he has surrounded himself with, has proven that he represents more of the same - the same failed priorities, policies and now advisers. Rather than changing the image of a tired and failed party, Tim Pawlenty is reinforcing an image of Republicans as the Party of NO and a party that has no new leadership and no new ideas."