GOP gov. candidates join call for ACORN probe

Five Republican candidates for governor signed a letter today asking Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson to investigate the community organizing group ACORN.

Pat Anderson, Tom Emmer, Bill Haas, Paul Kohls and Marty Seifert say they're concerned about possible voter irregularities that might be linked to ACORN. They joined the group Minnesota Majority in calling for the investigation.

Minnesota Majority President Jeff Davis has raised voter fraud allegations before that have been rejected by state and county election officials.

But Davis pointed out that 15 other states are already investigating ACORN.

"I just say that we need to look at this, scrutinize it. There's more than ample evidence that would justify a formal investigation into this matter," said Davis.

Kevin Whelan, ACORN's national deputy political director, says the organization stands by its voter registration efforts in Minnesota.

A Swanson spokesman says the attorney general will look at Minnesota Majority's request to see whether it raises issues in her jurisdiction.

ACORN is short for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.