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Wetterling backs Gaertner in race for governor

Child safety advocate and two-time congressional candidate Patty Wetterling has endorsed the gubernatorial campaign of Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner.

Wetterling was an unsuccessful DFL 6th district candidate in 2004 and 2006. But she was a very successful fundraiser and is well known statewide.

Gaertner's campaign today released a letter from Wetterling:

Dear Friend,

Like many of you, I have refrained from making an early decision about who to support in the race for governor of Minnesota. With so many DFL candidates in the field, it has been no small challenge to determine which candidate I believe will be the best choice to lead our state through this difficult time.

Yet after sifting through information on the values, views, and priorities of all the candidates, one stands out from the rest. The person I am supporting has the executive leadership ability of a manager of a large public office, the community commitment of a local elected official, and the moral integrity of a prosecutor who does what is right rather than what is popular. With strong Democratic values and a pragmatic approach, this candidate will bring together progressives, moderates, and independents in a coalition that can win next November. This candidate is Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner, and I am proud to support her campaign for governor of Minnesota in 2010.

Throughout her career, Susan has demonstrated a passionate commitment to the families and communities of her jurisdiction. In addition to successfully prosecuting many dangerous offenders, she has led innovative projects that have made significant long-term impacts on the youth and families of Ramsey County.

With the Truancy Intervention Program, Susan has substantially increased school attendance and increased graduation rates in St. Paul and in the suburbs. She has dramatically improved coordination across jurisdictions for the prosecution of domestic violence cases through the Joint Domestic Abuse Prosecution Unit. She is also the only county attorney in Minnesota fully in charge of the county's child support collection program; Ramsey County now brings in more than $62 million in child support annually, ensuring food, clothing, and health care for thousands of children in need.

For these reasons and more, I wholeheartedly support Susan's candidacy. I am proud to get to share some of Susan's accomplishments with you, and I am very hopeful that Susan will have the opportunity to extend her commitment to Ramsey County families to families across Minnesota, as our next governor.

We need Susan Gaertner's principled and compassionate leadership to help give our state a fresh start. I hope you will join me by making a contribution or signing up to volunteer with her campaign today.


Patty Wetterling


Wetterling made another endorsement today, this time for state Sen. Tarryl Clark, DFL-St. Cloud, who's running for Congress in the 6th District. Here's the endorsement/fundraising letter released by Clark's campaign:

Dear Friend,

Over the years, we've worked together for many important causes. Today, I'm asking you to join me again in an important cause for our community: new, sensible leadership for Minnesota's 6th Congressional District.

I'm proud to support my friend Tarryl Clark in her campaign for Congress.

Tarryl and I have worked together as advocates, as mothers, and as leaders to make real change on behalf of Minnesotans. Tarryl speaks passionately about the needs of our children and families. But what makes Tarryl effective is her willingness to roll up her sleeves to deliver on the issues that matter. Time and again, when her constituents or her neighbors have needed her, she gets the job done.

That's the kind of common-sense leadership we need in Washington.

I am proud to support Tarryl's campaign for Congress, and I hope you will join me today by making a contribution of $250, $100, $50, or whatever you can afford to Tarryl's campaign for Congress.

Tarryl and I have traveled the 6th District together, going door-to-door, person-to-person, because both of us believe in the power of affecting change by working from the grassroots up. We believe that, by stretching across the community and reaching the real people in the 6th district, we can make a real difference.

And that's precisely the leadership that has been missing with Michele Bachmann in Congress. Bachmann has spent more of her time on the talk shows than making a difference for Minnesota -- but those talk shows have fueled a national following that are ready to fund her campaign.

That's why I'm asking you to support Tarryl's campaign today. Let's make sure Tarryl has the resources she needs to run a winning campaign and return sensible leadership to Congress.

I'm proud to support Tarryl, and I hope you will join me.


Patty Wetterling