Capitol View®

For your viewing pleasure:

Here's a list of the public policy shows.

TPT's Almanac:

This week on Almanac we'll check in with U of M climatologist Mark Seeley to see if today's rainfall has made any difference in our drought, St. Paul Police Sgt. Anita Muldoon talks about cracking cold cases and Mary Lahammer wraps up her series on Minnesota's deadliest tornados with a a look at the F5 tornado that hit Rochester and led to the creation of the world reknown Mayo Clinic.

KSTP's At Issue:

They didn't get back to me but Twitter reports say former State Auditor and GOP candidate for Governor Pat Anderson will be on the show along with the roundtable.

WCCO's Sunday Morning:

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman

Minnesota Senate's Capitol Report:

Examines the state's unemployment rate and job creation.

On the National Scene...

ABC's This Week

Topics: Afghanistan, Iran, with Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

C-Span's Newsmakers:

Guest: Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Al., ranking member, House Financial Services Committee.

CBS' Face the Nation:

Topics: Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, foreign policy, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

CNN's State of the Union:

Topics: Afghanistan; Iran. Guest: Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense. Topics: Health care debate; Afghanistan; Iran; economy. Guest: Sen. Evan Bayh, D- Ind. Other guests: Mary Matalin, Republican strategist; CNN political contributor; James Carville, Democratic strategist; CNN political contributor.

Fox News Sunday:

Topics: Middle East troop request, ACORN videos. With Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Sen. Kit Bond, R-Miss., Bob McDonnell, Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate, and James OKeefe, conservative filmmaker (ACORN videographer)

NBC's Meet the Press:

Topics: Clinton Global Initiative meeting, with former President Clinton; politics, with New York Gov. David Patterson; Afghanistan, with Sens. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and Jim Webb, D-Va.