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The Daily Digest

The 2010 race for governor leads the digest today. We're fourteen months away from the election but candidates are meeting in forums and working the delegates on a pretty regular basis. Many of the DFL candidates will participate in a debate tonight in St. Cloud.

MPR says the DFL gubernatorial candidates are candid about tax hikes.

Meanwhile, the GOP candidates will meet in a debate/forum on Monday in Prior Lake. Several are also holding news conferences and preparing for a straw poll at the State Party Convention in October.

GOP State Rep. Marty Seifert outlined his vision for the state if he's elected governor. The Pi Press has a look. You can listen to his news conference here.

The AP rolls Seifert's newser in with Tuesday's newser from GOP state Rep. Paul Kohls. Kohls wants to slash state spending to 2004-2005 levels.

The Capitol Report says GOP state Rep. Tom Emmer is gaining traction among GOP activists.

WCCO says the GOP candidates are running to the right in the days leading up to the straw poll of GOP activists.

The group of city mayors will announce an ad campaign today to push LGA into the debate.

The MNGOP filed a complaint with the MN Campaign Finance Board regarding St. Paul Mayor's Chris Coleman's travel.

Under the Dome

Gov. Pawlenty says the state's structural balance problems will not be as bad as some are projecting.

The U.S. GAO says state deficits will continue despite the federal stimulus.

The state has put up for bid most of the projects targeted for transportation from the Recovery Act.

The stimulus will also pay for new light poles on some metro highways.


The world's economic powers gather in Pittsburgh.

The Federal Reserve says the economic recovery has begun but difficulties remain in getting out of the safety net created over the last 18 months.

A report says looming foreclosures will hammer home prices.

Minnesota's delegation supports the extension of jobless benefits.


President Obama told the UN not to expect the U.S. to do it all.

Obama also made gains in building support on preventing a nuclear Iran.

Obama is set to use current law to support indefinite detentions of terrorism suspects.

Former VP Walter Mondale says race is drawing some of Obama's foes.

The NBC/WSJ poll says for the first time independents disapprove of Obama.

Bullets are also flying off of the shelves since Obama was elected.

The White House seeks changes to education law.

Gov. Pawlenty and several other governors urge Congress to get rid of a proposed tax on medical devices.

Senators spar over the proposed health plan's effect on seniors.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz defends House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from criticism that she's throwing conservative and centrist Democrats overboard.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann says the Center for Medicare Services is intending to bully and gag HMOs that provide Medicare. The blog post, however, is misleading because it wasn't the communication with members but the appearance that the letters were official letters from CMS and not Humana.

The House is set to vote on Medicare premium hikes.

The Star Tribune digs deeper into whether Bachmann spent taxpayer money on constituent mail that went to people who live outside of her district.

GOP Rep. John Kline opposes legislation that would ban firings due to sexual orientation.

DFL Sen. Al Franken wants labeling on household products.

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson opposes any efforts to give more authority to the SEC.

The House approves an extension of the FAA law. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

Delays in approving the Highway Trust fund are making things difficult for states. Oberstar is mentioned.

An interim replacement for Ted Kennedy's seat will be announced.

A NEA conference call appeared to urge artists to endorse White House positions.

A U.S. Census Bureau worker was found hanged in Kentucky.

The IRS severed ties with ACORN.

ACORN sues the makers of the video that got them in all of this trouble.

ACORN is also shutting down its tax clinics but will continue to register voters.

2010 Other

Stu Rothenberg says the 6th (GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann) and the 3rd (GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen) are GOP favored. The 1st (DFL Rep. Tim Walz) is not on the watch list.

A Republican jumps in the race for State Auditor.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

Gov. Pawlenty is headed to Michigan this weekend.