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Pat Anderson says Seifert wrong on vouchers

Republican Pat Anderson sent out a news release today criticizing Marty Seifert for saying the state's constitution would not allow for school vouchers. Both Anderson and Seifert are running for governor (in addition to seven other GOP candidates).

During a Wednesday news conference, Seifert said "I don't want to get in a situation with vouchers because I just don't think Minnesota's constitution allows for it." You can listen to Seifert's entire newser here.

Anderson, who served as MN State Auditor between 2003 and 2007, said this in a news release in response to Seifert's claim:

"Marty is simply wrong on the constitutional law in play on vouchers, and I can't let his error stand to give aid and comfort to the opponents of meaningful parental school choice," said Anderson.

"Commitment to parental school choice is the essence of the education section of the Republican Party Platform, and a lot of people, including gubernatorial candidate, Sen. David Hann, have put in too much hard work fighting for school choice to have it undermined by blatantly bad constitutional analysis."

The candidates for governor are ramping up their profile in light of next weekend's State Party Convention. The MNGOP is holding a straw poll at the event which is the first litmus test for the candidates.