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The Daily Digest

Gov. Pawlenty's footsie with a 2012 run leads the digest today. It's clear that Pawlenty is positioning himself for a possible (if not probable) run for president. He's setting up fundraisers (more later) and shifting some policies to be more acceptable to GOP voters. One example of that is his position on efforts to reduce global warming. MPR reports that Pawlenty is backing off support for cap and trade as an attempt to reduce climate change.

Gov. Pawlenty sends out a fundraising letter urging support for a federal Political Action Committee that will be created in a few weeks. The move is the latest sign that he's considering a run for president in 2012. The Star Tribune, CNN, AP, the Pi Press, The Fix, MPR and NBC all have stories.

You can read Pawlenty's fundraising letter here.

The DNC rips Pawlenty as a part-time governor.

But Red State says the DNC shouldn't be criticizing part-time politicians since DNC Chair Tim Kaine is also serving as Virginia Governor.

The Atlantic Monthly details where the 2012 candidates stand on PAC dough.

The Hill handicaps the 2012 field.

Anyone planning on measuring the drapes in the White House for Pawlenty should look at this poll first. It says Obama is in the same place he was on Election Day in terms of support.

KARE reports that former GOP Gov. Arne Carlson says Pawlenty should "do the job he was elected to do."

Under the Dome

The University of Minnesota sues over Central Corridor concerns. MPR, the Star Tribune, the Pi Press and KSTP have stories.

The Minnesota Attorney General sues debt aid companies. MPR, KARE, the Star Tribune and the Pi Press have stories.

Lawmakers debate how to dismantle the millions of dollars left in the Metro Gang Strike force bank accounts. MPR, KARE and the Pi Press have stories.

Meanwhile, the Star Tribune reports that an ex Strike Force member was fired by Minneapolis.

The AP says states are taking aim at ACORN but there is little money at stake.

The Northland's News Center gauges opinion on Pawlenty's decision to end tax reciprocity with Wisconsin.

New license plates will be available for those killed in action. AP and MinnPost have stories.

Fox9 says Richfield residents will have to pay for street lights to make up for cuts in state aid.

WCCO says cities are offering incentives to buy foreclosed homes.

An appeals court rules than the DNR's iron mine impact study followed the law.


President Obama delivers his first address to the UN this morning.

He also urges the Israelis and Palestinians to do more.

A poll says the public is pessimistic about Afghanistan.

The Senate bill has been changed to alter how Medicare payments are made to reward states that provide low cost, high quality care. That's good news for Minnesota.

But the Senate Finance Chair left a tax on the medical device industry in the bill.

Mayo says changes are still needed in Obama's plan.

The NBC/Wall St. Journal poll says the GOP would be to blame if health care reform doesn't pass.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison praises the public option.

A Senate probe into Medtronic and the University of Minnesota has broadened.

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson says he hopes financial reform could be wrapped up by the end of the year. The Chairs of the SEC and CFTC urge tougher rules on the industry.

A hearing was held on the proposed passenger bill of rights. Changes on the amount of time an airline can keep passengers on a plane are being proposed. DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is mentioned.

U of M basketball coach Tubby Smith pushes health care reform. Klobuchar and DFL Sen. Al Franken are mentioned. AP and the Star Tribune have stories.

Complaints mount that telephone townhalls are rigged.

Actors like Will Ferrell and John Hamm rip insurance company executives.

President Obama's campaign organization will hold a rally at GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann's Friday event with Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Massachusetts is set to replace Ted Kennedy.

United Airlines will provide service from Chicago to Duluth. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.


The Republican backed St. Paul mayoral candidate criticizes DFL Mayor Chris Coleman's use of travel outside of the city. Eva Ng made the criticism on the same day she held a fundraiser outside of St. Paul.

GOP state Rep. Paul Kohls wants to slash state spending to 2004-2005 levels. MinnPost and MPR have details.


Happy Birthday Colleen. You're the most patient and caring person I know. The lil' man thinks you're ok too.