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The Daily Digest

Gov. Pawlenty's decision not to release his public schedule leads the Digest today. The Star Tribune examines Pawlenty's action since he announced he wasn't running for reelection. This isn't the first time Pawlenty refused to release his private schedule but a possible run for president has increased the scrutiny of his whereabouts.

You can also keep track of Pawlenty's out of state travel with this map.

Meanwhile, Gov. Pawlenty will hold two public events today after making two campaign stops out of the state over the weekend. He finished third in a GOP straw poll of social conservative voters.

He got a warm welcome at the Values Voter Summit.

The Hotline said Pawlenty tried to distinguish himself from two of his political rivals.

You can listen to his speech here.

Pawlenty also spoke in Ohio on Saturday night.

The DNC also targeted Pawlenty.

One conservative blogger said Pawlenty is another John McCain.

Pawlenty also accidentally ran a phone sex line on his radio.

Health Care

The toughest test is coming for health reform.

President Obama says a requirement for health insurance is not a tax increase.

He also outlined his core principles.

The Washington Post wonders whether The Mayo Clinic a miracle or a mirage.

A Minnesota group will examine the German health system.

GOP Rep. John Kline held a townhall on Friday.


The top general in Afghanistan warns that the war could fail if they don't get more troops sent to the country.

President Obama hopes to meet with Netanyahu and Abbas in NYC.

President Obama favors an investigation into ACORN.

The stimulus means work for state archaeologists.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar supports a ban on texting while driving.

Fallen soldiers are sometimes forced to wait weeks or months for full honor burials. DFL Sen. Al Franken is mentioned.

The liberal blog, MNPublius, says GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann is sending constituent mail (funded by taxpayers) to other folks, including Colorado residents.

The St. Cloud Times says the ACORN scandal puts Bachmann in the spotlight.

Bachmann also spoke at the Values Voter Summit.

Corporations criticize derivative regulation. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

U.S. Power companies are also criticizing the plan. Peterson is mentioned.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is one of several lawmakers who says urgent issues are being put off.

The Bemidji Airport receives a federal grant. Oberstar is mentioned.

Under the Dome

Minnesota ended tax reciprocity with Wisconsin. That means people who work in one state but live in the other have to fill out two forms.

Federal delays stall alternative energy projects in Minnesota.

Minnesota continues to have the highest foreclosure rate in the Upper Midwest.

Some cities are switching on street light fees.


Former GOP Rep. Jim Ramstad opens the door to a possible run for governor. He closed the door in July.

Forum Communications says the governor's race keeps the political world abuzz.