Pawlenty third in GOP presidential straw poll

Tim Pawlenty in Arkansas
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty greets reporters before speaking at a Republican Party event in July.
AP Photo/Danny Johnston

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty finished third in a 2012 presidential straw poll of social conservative voters.

The poll queried 597 people who attended this weekend's Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee overwhelmingly won the poll with 170 votes. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney came in second with 74 votes. Pawlenty received 73 votes - just one ahead of Sarah Palin - the former governor of Alaska who was John McCain's running mate in 2008.

The poll is a good litmus test of where Pawlenty stands among social conservatives - a key block of the Republican Party. Pawlenty, who spoke at the summit on Friday night, is considered a possible candidate for president in 2012 but says he isn't sure what his future holds. He has been traveling the country holding fundraisers for Republican candidates and other GOP groups.