Capitol View®

Where in the world is Tim Pawlenty?

Gov. Pawlenty is scheduled to hit the road again this weekend. He'll be speaking to the Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C. tonight and will speak in Ohio tomorrow. If you're interested in seeing his speech to the Values Voter Summit, I'm told it will be webcast here.

The South Dakota Republican Party also announced today that Pawlenty will speak at an event in Rapid City in October.

MPR News has been keeping track of Pawlenty's out of state schedule since he announced on June 2nd that he wouldn't seek a third term. You can check where he's been and where he's scheduled to speak on the map below.

We'll continue to add events as we become aware of them. Please let us know if we've missed engagements or if you have a line on future events.

Thanks to MPR's Curtis Gilbert and Steve Mullis for putting the map together.