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The Daily Digest

Gov. Pawlenty hits the campaign trail again this weekend. He'll be speaking at the Values Voter Summit this evening and to the Ohio Republican Party on Saturday night.

While Pawlenty says he isn't sure about a 2012 run, his name will be on a straw poll ballot at the Values Voter Summit.

The Star Tribune says Pawlenty is taking a turn to the right.

Gov. Pawlenty elaborates on his decision to cut off funds from ACORN. ACORN currently receives no money from the state.

Pawlenty ranks second on The Fix's list of most influential Republicans.

Under the Dome

The Pi Press says classrooms are getting more crowded.

The Star Tribune says larger school districts are relying on their reserves.

The Metro Gang Strike Force will give back some seized property.

More nursing home abuse is reported.

A poverty survey says Minnesotans are cutting back.

Minnesota's jobless rate dips slightly but it's because fewer people are looking for work.

The state tightens guidelines on the youngest kids with flu symptoms.

Almost sixty school districts prep voter levies.


Democrats are unhappy with a tax in the Senate health bill.

Health care ad spending will top $100 million.

The head of the AMA spoke about health reform in Rochester.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar will talk to Minnesota doctors on health care.

GOP Rep. John Kline holds a townhall tonight on health care.

President Obama awards his first medal of honor. MPR's News Cut takes a look at the struggle the young man's parents still deal with.

The House votes to cut off funding for ACORN. Here's how the delegation voted. GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann says she's elated by the move.

Politico says House GOP leadership may be worried about Bachmann.

GOP Rep. John Kline fails to block a student loan proposal in the House.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison and DFL Rep. Betty McCollum both support legislation to repeal the gay marriage ban.

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson blasts the slow regulatory overhaul of derivatives.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar will reportedly back a three month delay in transportation bill.

Transportation lobbying is coming from all sides in Minnesota.

In fact, the Center for Public Integrity says it's coming from all sides nationally.

Oberstar is also mentioned in this story on how the FAA will strictly enforce safety of airlines.