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Is this a brouhaha, a hullabaloo, a hubbub, a katzenjammer or a tussle?

Officials with the DNC and Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty are urging their respective supporters to crash their opponent's phone lines.

The tussle started when the DNC sent out a news release calling on folks to call Pawlenty out on health care reform. Specifically, the news release said:

In the first "Call 'Em Out" email, the DNC is asking supporters to call Governor Tim Pawlenty to express their concern about his embrace of the salacious and thoroughly debunked charge of death panels as it relates to health insurance reform. In addition to asking people to call the Governor's office in St. Paul, the first effort of this campaign also asks that individuals share a web video detailing the Governor's extreme positions and spread the word about his embrace of far right wing rhetoric on health care reform across social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

Pawlenty isn't backing down and is calling on his supporters to contact the DNC. Here's what Pawlenty wrote on his twitter feed:

DNC wants to jam up our phones in MN. If you oppose major tax hikes, call DNC: 202-863-8000 to STOP gov't-run health care. Pls RT (retweet)

The dispute comes on the same day that Gov. Pawlenty is scheduled to speak to the Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C. He's also scheduled to speak to the Ohio Republican Party on Saturday night. Meanwhile, the South Dakota Republian Party just announced that Pawlenty will speak in Rapid City next month.

Update: The DNC has a twitter button directing the message "Hey @timpawlenty, quit lying about health reform" to Pawlenty's twitter account. It's being bombarded right now.