Capitol View®

For your viewing pleasure…

Here's who will be on this weekend's public policy shows.

TPT's Almanac:

Todd Jones talks about his return for a second stint as U. S. Attorney in Minnesota, Former Medtronic CEO Bill George talks about leading in crisis, Mary Lahammer's look at Minnesota's deadliest tornados continues and a group of experts from the Minnesota Department of Health, Hennepin County Medical Center and the Minneapolis Public Schools join us to talk about the H1N1 flu virus.

KSTP's At Issue:

Former DFL House Minority Leader Matt Entenza will talk about his run for governor. David Strom, Ember Reichgott Junge and Sarah Janacek will talk politics.

WCCO's Sunday Morning:

They haven't gotten back to me.

On the National Scene...

ABC's This Week

President Barack Obama.

CBS' Face the Nation

Bob Schieffer will interview President Barack Obama on his health care plans.

CNN's State of the Union

Interview with President Obama; health care, Afghanistan, the economy, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.; health care, homeland security, the economy, with Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich.

Fox News SundayTopics: ACORN, the economy with Bertha Lewis, CEO, ACORN; Rep. Darrell Issa, Ranking Member, Oversight and Government Reform Committee; Fred Smith, CEO FedEx; Mark Zandi, Moody's.

NBC's Meet the Press

Interview with President Obama; economy, Afghanistan, with House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.