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ACORN is still an issue for Bachmann

Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is raising new concerns about federal tax dollars going to the community organizing group ACORN.

Yesterday, Bachmann was praising a House vote to strip ACORN of federal funding that came days after a similar Senate vote. She sent out a news release calling it "a tremendous victory for the taxpayer." But today Bachmann appeared before a Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC, and said she was concerned the two bills won't be reconciled.

"A housing bill in the Senate, an education bill in the House. How are these two bills going to come together to actually defund ACORN?, Bachmann asked. "As we stand here today, ACORN has yet to be defunded of one dime."

Bachmann says she wants President Obama to take executive action to defund ACORN. GOP-led criticism of ACORN came to a head with the recent release of a hidden-camera video that apparently shows ACORN employees advising a couple that was posing as a prostitute and her pimp.

Meanwhile, Kristen Wiig played Bachmann in a Saturday Night Live Thursday sketch.