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The Daily Digest

DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher officially enters the race for governor today.

GOP state Rep. Tom Emmer pays a penalty involving former campaign billboards.

Primary Election

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman and Republican Eva Ng are headed to the mayoral primary. The Pi Press and MPR have stories.

Maplewood and White Bear Lake sent incumbents to November.

Incumbents on Duluth's school board advance and the city council races square up.

Health Care

The Senate Finance Chair will release his proposed health care bill today. It doesn't have any Republican support.

The Senate health bill draws fire on both sides.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar and DFL Sen. Al Franken don't like the medical device fee in the Senate health care bill.

Health insurance premiums rose modestly in 2009.

The Star Tribune asks "What happens when the indigent lose medical care?"


Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says the recession is "very likely over."

President Obama's Treasury Secretary says the president is against a middle class tax hike.

President Obama backs extending Patriot Act provisions.

Obama rallies the union base.

He also proposed new fuel efficiency standards.

President Obama will appear on several Sunday talk shows.

GOP lawyers want the Justice Department to investigate ACORN. The New York Times says conservatives have drawn blood from a foe.

Senators will probe dairy farm woes. DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is mentioned.

GOP Rep. John Kline opposes President Obama's effort to restructure the student loan industry.

The Hill says more than two dozen members of Congress are paying family thousands of dollars to work for their campaigns. The report says DFL Rep. Collin Peterson pays his son $2,000 a month.

Joe Wilson

The House rebukes Joe Wilson.

Minnesota's delegation voted along party lines.

Former President Jimmy Carter said Wilson's outburst was based on racism.

Under the Dome

Officials gather to discuss a controversial mining operation.

A study says wind power could hamper the state's transmission grid.

Gov. Pawlenty asks the feds to help farmers in six counties.

Pawlenty for Prez Watch

The Family Research Council will reportedly take a GOP presidential straw poll at the Values Voter summit this weekend. Pawlenty's name will be on the list. He's scheduled to speak at the event on Friday night.