Garrison Keillor released from hospital

Midday's Gary Eichten and Garrison Keillor
Midday's Gary Eichten talks with Garrison Keillor during MPR Day at the Minnesota State Fair on Friday, September 4, 2009.
MPR Photo/Steve Mullis

Humorist Garrison Keillor has been released from Mayo Clinic's Saint Marys Hospital after suffering a minor stroke earlier in the week.

Keillor spokesman David O'Neill released a brief statement Friday night saying Keillor left the Rochester hospital earlier in the evening. O'Neill said Keillor was on his way back to his St. Paul home "and is in great spirits."

The 67-year-old Keillor had said he felt ill on Monday morning and drove himself to a St. Paul hospital, then was transferred to Mayo Clinic.

Keillor said he still plans to start his new season of "A Prairie Home Companion" as scheduled in two weeks.