More on H1N1 with Dr. Jon Hallberg

H1N1 Briefing
Aggie Leitheiser, Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness, left, and Dr. Ruth Lynfield update lawmakers on H1N1 influenza on Monday.
MPR Photo / Lorna Benson

At the Minnesota State Fair Thursday, 120 4-H students were sent home after four of their members tested positive for the H1N1 flu virus.

The school year has begun in Minneapolis and a few other districts and will resume elsewhere in the state next week. And with that, public health workers are focusing on the possible re-emergence of the H1N1 novel strain of flu.

All Things Considered talked about flu with medical analyst Dr. Jon Hallberg and he returned to talk about what to expect from H1N1 during the period of seasonal flu.