Capitol View®

Daily Digest

Congressman Collin Peterson says he wants President Obama to give specific direction on health care reform.

A new poll shows President Obama's job approval slipping in Minnesota.

Congressman John Kline will give the Republican response to president's weekly radio address.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty has spread out his staffing costs to other state agencies.

A Minnesota House committee is looking at flood prevention projects.

Three people sue the city of St. Paul over a police action before the Republican National Convention.

A State Capitol brochure is now available in Somali.


A Minneapolis ballot dispute might be headed to court.


Seven DFL candidates for governor shared a stage at the Minnesota State Fair for a radio debate.

But many fairgoers just don't want to talk politics.

State Representative Tom Emmer says he'll lure businesses to Minnesota as governor.

Next year's Minnesota House races will focus on 40 swing districts.

Minnesota's primary election date might have to be changed.