Capitol View®

Daily Digest

Sen. Al Franken canceled a fundraiser after learning about the host's past criminal conviction.

Franken stressed the need for a public health care option during a roundtable discussion.

Congressman Erik Paulsen says the current health care proposal is the wrong approach.

Congressman Tim Walz talked about supporting veterans during his speech to the American Legion convention in Kentucky.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty says a new Web tool could help lower health care costs, and he defends his own record on containing costs.

Lawmakers want changes after problems were uncovered in the Metro Gang Strike Force.

State health officials are preparing for the flu.

State officials are please to have federal economic stimulus money.

The Metropolitan Council has set the fares for the new Northstar commuter rail line.

State Sen. Sharon Erickson Ropes is holding a meeting about a southeastern Minnesota transmission line.

Twitter is more popular in the Minnesota House than in the Minnesota Senate.


DFL candidates are scheduled to appear at the party's State Fair booth.

Some candidates will make use of the Minnesota House of Representatives booth.


Gov. Pawlenty rips Obama and Holder, and also compares Democrats to Michael Vick.