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Minnesotans remember Ted Kennedy

Minnesota political figures, past and present, are offering tributes to Sen. Edward Kennedy, who died Tuesday night at age 77.

"Ted Kennedy's wit and stories, his passion for a cause and his country, and his love for the Senate just made you want to go to work every day. I had the privilege to serve with Ted Kennedy in the Senate for just two years. He was a mentor to so many of us just starting out, not in the traditional "this is how you get it done" way, but instead as an inspiration. He never gave up and had a fiery zest for the legislative battles that was always tempered by a bipartisan pragmatism. He was incredibly strong and effective and had the deep respect of everyone that worked with him." -- Sen. Amy Klobuchar

"Senator Edward Kennedy was the most accomplished and effective legislator I worked with during my 18 years in Congress. I will always be grateful for his key guidance on the mental health parity legislation on which we worked together for 12 years to enact into law. I saw firsthand the work of a legislative giant with a big heart. I will always remember Senator Kennedy's great sense of humor and, most of all, his love of family." -- Former Rep. Jim Ramstad

"He loved what he did. He respected anybody who shared that affection for reform. So you could disagree with him, you could even get quite contentious, and he'd just give you a big smile and find another way to work the issue." -- Former Sen. Dave Durenberger

"America just lost one of the most important voices for social justice - a voice that was heard consistently for over 50 years. Despite his privileged background, Ted would always stand up for those who were left behind, against racial discrimination, for better education and health care. Whatever was needed, Ted was there to fight for it. I don't believe we have had anybody quite like him, for that long, in these times, in our nation's history. It is a terrible loss." -- Former Vice President Walter Mondale

"Senator Edward Kennedy's political career was filled with accomplishments and successes that benefitted millions of workers, Americans who received quality education, children, families and seniors who have access to health care. It is the better lives that millions of Americans live today and into the future that will be Senator Kennedy's legacy. He was a liberal I admired and a legislator who was a model of determination, high ideals, and decency." -- Rep. Betty McCollum

"I offer my prayers and condolences to the family of Senator Ted Kennedy on the loss of this important American leader. Like many of my generation, I was motivated to join public service because of the passion of John and Bobby Kennedy. Ted Kennedy, despite great challenges in his life, the tragic loss of two brothers and other struggles, became one of the great leaders in the United States Senate. While we disagreed on many issues, I was proud to call him a friend and colleague. I worked alongside him to expand Pell Grants for college students and other important issues for our nation. He had the heart of a lion. He was the best at figuring out how to get something done and would work to find common ground, without abandoning his principles. Our nation would be better served if both conservatives and liberals followed that path. I will miss him. -- Former Sen. Norm Coleman

"He was a man who fought for kids and for the disabled and for the poor and the sick and the disadvantaged. And I did get to know him, not while I was serving but several times before in the years proceeding my getting to the Senate, and found him to be just a tremendous guy." -- Sen. Al Franken

"Public policy debates on the great issues of our time will be diminished without Ted Kennedy's resounding voice, penetrating thought, clarion call to human values, and his relentless defense of society's most vulnerable people...Ted Kennedy's greatness in life is etched in his monumental legislative achievements and in his inimitable personal touch--the right word, the Irish humor, the rugged grasp of your shoulder in friendship. I was privileged to serve with him on the Kennedy Center Board of Trustees--there, to observe his passionate advocacy for the arts. I was honored to join with him in a House-Senate conference committee on aviation, opposing legislation harmful to the rights of workers--and in numerous other causes." -- Rep. Jim Oberstar