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Pawlenty vs. Rybak

Gov. Tim Pawlenty used a part of his radio show today to soundly criticize Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak. Pawlenty was responding to comments Rybak made yesterday as he announced his budget plan for Minneapolis. Rybak used a variation of a line he's said often, "I do not believe the city of Minneapolis needs a lesson from those at the state Capitol who have pushed this state into financial chaos."

Today Pawlenty called that a "kick in the shins" from the leader of a city where most of the "iconic developments and initiatives" wouldn't have happened without the state in recent years. The governor listed the new Guthrie Theater, light rail transit, the Northstar commuter train, the new Twins stadium (paid for by Hennepin County taxpayers), funding for the University of Minnesota and more.

He also ripped Rybak for consistently raising property taxes.

Rybak, a Democrat, is likely to make a run for governor next year. Pawlenty, a Republican, is not seeking a third term.

Pawlenty spared St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman from his ire, even though Coleman has been a frequent critic of Pawlenty's cuts in state aid to local governments.

Rybak will get a chance to respond at 11 a.m. He and Coleman are on Midday with Gary Eichten to talk about their budget proposals.

Update: Rybak did respond.

"During the time Tim Pawlenty and I have been in office spending in Minneapolis increased 1 percent," he said. "During that same time under Tim Pawlenty spending at the state increased 12 percent. I don't need a lecture about cutting city and state funding."

Rybak added that Pawlenty initially opposed many of the development projects he mentioned, and then took credit for them once they were built.