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Bachmann doesn’t want to be “Palinized”

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann says she needs money to defend herself from the attacks of liberals.

The 6th District Republican sent out an e-mail appeal today titled "Don't Let Them Palinize Me!" Bachmann linked her need for campaign contributions to former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

"With Gov. Palin taking a well-deserved step out of the spotlight, it appears that I may be absorbing even more of the liberals' scorn," Bachmann wrote. "And, I'd really appreciate your support so that I can defend myself against their attacks."

Bachmann also described another similarity with Palin.

"But just as they did with Sarah Palin, the more I talk about the issues, the more they attack with below-the-belt personal hits," Bachmann said. "In fact, yesterday, a Minnesota paper gave a full column to a hit piece on one of my kids!"

The e-mail also included a definition of Palinize:

From the Urban Dictionary:


To smear or mock someone using falsehoods, baseless accusations or unsubstantiated character assassinations for the purpose of blocking them from achieving a goal.

To exaggerate the truth or lie by omission.

To attack a person for his or her conservative values by focusing an inordinate amount of attention on a single example of that person falling short (or being perceived as falling short) of the values they espouse.