Oberstar: stalled legislation could have helped stranded passengers

Rep. Jim Oberstar
DFLer Jim Oberstar represents Minnesota's 8th Congressional District.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

The chair of the House Transportation Committee says legislation that could help stranded airline passengers remains stuck in the U.S. Senate.

Last Friday, forty seven passengers were kept overnight in a Continental Express flight on a Rochester runway. The airplane had been diverted to Rochester because of thunderstorms.

Congressman Jim Oberstar says the U.S. House has twice passed a passenger's Bill of Rights that could have helped.

"When enacted it will require airlines and large and medium airport to have emergency contingent plans for tarmac delays, including providing adequate food and water, restroom, cabin ventilation, access to medical treatment," he said.

Oberstar says the House most recently passed the bill this spring, but the Senate hasn't taken it up. Federal officials say they are investigating whether any current regulations were violated.