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DFL to Pawlenty: you’re out of line

DFL party officials say Gov. Tim Pawlenty's criticism of a planned leadership conference was off base and out of line.

The Republican governor sent a snarky letter to DFL legislative leaders yesterday declining their invitation to participate in the Sept. 8 event. Spokesmen for Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller and House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher said they planned no fromal response to the letter. But that didn't stop the Minnesota DFL Party from responding today with this news release:

St. Paul (August 12, 2009) - Governor Tim Pawlenty went out of his way yesterday not only to decline his invitation to the bipartisan Leadership Summit in September, but to sarcastically mock the contributions of past and present Minnesota leaders in their efforts to solve the state's serious fiscal problems.

"The governor's travel schedule has taken him to California, Arkansas, Tennessee, Florida, Illinois, Washington, D.C., and soon Puerto Rico, to raise money for his national ambitions. But somehow he can't spare half a day to come back to Minnesota and work with his home state's present and former leaders to find a lasting solution to our budget crisis," said DFL Chair Brian Melendez. "This leadership summit is an opportunity for the governor to set aside his national ambitions and work with leaders of all parties to solve the worst budget crisis in state history. But once again, he chose ambition over leadership."

After Governor Pawlenty vetoed the balanced-budget solution, unilaterally cut important state programs and pushed a $6-7 billion budget deficit off onto the next Governor, officials around Minnesota knew that a plan of action was needed. Former Governor Arne Carlson, a Republican, and former Independence Party gubernatorial candidate Tim Penny suggested a summit to explore solutions. House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller answered that call, planning a summit for September 8 at the State Capitol. Two former Republican governors, three former Republican speakers, one former DFL governor, and nine former DFL legislative leaders will attend. The current House and Senate minority leaders have also been invited.

"Governor Pawlenty mocked the idea of engaging in dialogue with leaders who have navigated through difficult times in the past and can share valuable insight on how to proceed for the future," said Melendez. "Given his record and the mess he has left for us to clean up in Minnesota, he clearly needs the advice, and he should follow these other leaders' example. Sometimes real leadership means listening."