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Daily Digest


The state's congressional delegation will be back home in Minnesota for the next month, gauging the reaction to health care and other issues. The Strib has a preview.

The Employee Free Choice Act seems to have run aground in D.C., worry Minnesota labor activists who talked to Paul Demko.

State health officials are tracking a strain of avian flu in state turkeys. MPR and the AP have stories.

Cap and trade is a warming topic at the Farmfest gathering, according to the Legal Ledger.

The Pioneer Press has its take on the impact of stimulus spending.


Newly minted U.S. Sen. Al Franken seems to be becoming a focal point on the issue of reforming performance fees on radio and the Internet. Politico notes his comic take on the matter, and Pandora, the music streaming service, singles Franken out by name to its customers.