Today's Question Blog

What’s missing from the health care debate?

The national debate continues over efforts to reform the country's system of providing and paying for health care. Political leaders, interest groups and care providers are sparring daily in the media and halls of government. What's missing from the health care debate?

A single payer health care system needs to be discussed in Washington! -Abbie, White Bear Lake, MN

What's missing from health care debate? Long-term care needs to be addressed! -Phil, Woodbury, MN

What about tort reform? -Andy, Stillwater, MN

Is insurance not tied to employment being addressed? -Jane Fisher, St. Paul, MN

Unnecessary procedures, unnecessary lawsuits, preventive care. -Jessica

What's missing is tort reform, a huge factor in out-of-control health care costs! -Dawn, Lake Park, MN

Health care is as expensive mostly because of our own unhealthy life styles and nutrition. We need to attack the root causes instead of treating the symptoms. -anonymous text message

What's missing...focus on real solutions for reducing costs. Examples: addressing malpractice limits, standardized reimbursements, etc. -anonymous text message

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