Capitol View®

Daily Digest

The Republican Governors Association will reportedly name Gov. Tim Pawlenty as its vice-chair today.

Union officials say Gov. Pawlenty still hasn't responded to their money-saving proposal.

School districts are preparing for cash-flow shortfalls.

The Minnesota Vikings will have tough time pushing a new stadium in the 2010 Legisaltive session.

Sen. Larry Pogemiller is proposing a bipartisan leadership summit.

Minnesota district courts handled more cases in 2008 than the year before.


Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., is warning first-time home buyers that a tax credit will expire in November.

Congressman James Oberstar Rep. James Oberstar has a plan to pass his highway bill.


Ten DFLers who want to be governor made their pitch at a weekend event near Austin.


Gov. Pawlenty is logging a lot of miles and testing a national message.