Ramstad not running for governor

Jim Ramstad
Former U.S. Rep. Jim Ramstad said today he will not run for governor of Minnesota in 2010.
MPR file photo

Former Republican Congressman Jim Ramstad has announced he will not be a candidate for governor in 2010.

Ramstad announced his decision not to run in an e-mail sent by a former congressional office staffer.

Ramstad is quoted as saying he plans to continue his public service, but it won't be as governor. He also said he was humbled by the tremendous outpouring of support from people across party lines. Ramstad also noted that he hopes whoever is elected governor will bring people together and work in a bipartisan way to address the serious problems facing our state.

Ramstad is a popular moderate Republican who represented Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District for 18 years. He did not seek re-election last November.

A few weeks ago he said he had been holding brainstorming sessions about a possible run next year.