McCollum: Efficiencies can pay for health care reform

U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum says all funding options, including a tax increase, should be on the table as lawmakers debate a federal health care reform measure.

But she says the U.S. improve oversight of the health care system before considering raising taxes.

McCollum, a Democrat who represents Minnesota's 4th Congressional District, spoke about the need to provide health care to uninsured children today during a rally at the State Capitol.

After her speech, McCollum said she thinks a public insurance option can be paid for through instituting electronic record-keeping, reducing fraud and waste, and requiring that health care providers follow established best practices.

She said those steps should be taken before any tax hikes are considered.

"Before I want to go to talking about increasing taxes, I want to make sure we've really looked, and we've put measures in place for the efficiencies and accountability," said McCollum.

McCollum said the current effort to reform health care is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and has to be done correctly.