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Michele Bachmann got a shout out from Politico about the role of kids in political careers. She says her five weighed in on her run. (She also has 23 foster kids - practically a winning Senate race margin right there.)

Speaking of the 6th District Republican, Politics in Minnesota says the state Senate's assistant majority leader, Tarryl Clark, of St. Cloud, may be edging from the race for governor to a Bachmann challenge.

And the Humphrey Institute's Smart Politics blog asks how blue the "Blue Dog" Democrats like Collin Peterson really are. Here's the money shot:

Meanwhile, Minnesota's lone Blue Dog Representative, Collin Peterson, voted with the President's stated position 81 percent of the time - tied for the 16th lowest percentage among House Democrats

And one we overlooked yesterday, in all the Jonas Brothers excitement: The Pioneer Press's Ross Raihala pegged U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar's teen crush as The Partridge Family's David Cassidy. "What I most remember is the album cover (1971's "Up to Date"), with all their birthdays on it," remembers the senior Senator. "I still remember David's birthday -- April 12."


City Pages has the latest installment of one of Minnesota's longest running political dramas. They profile Bob Fletcher again.

The Strib is reporting that a state computer snafu has pulled more than 18,000 traffic convictions out of mothballs, and they're now catching up with drivers. Phyllis Kahn's House State Government Finance committee is also talking about a state IT audit this afternoon.