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Daily Digest


Former House Minority Leader Marty Seifert officially got on the gubernatorial bus yesterday. MPR, the Strib and the Pioneer Press were all there at the beginning. MPR's Phil Picardi just had a newscast item calling Seifert the most prominent Republican so far to officially enter the race.


It's never too early to start thinking about redistricting. The Swing State Project has opened an interesting exercise on Minnesota's potential loss of a Congressional seat after the 2010 census. The lines presume the DFL breaks its gubernatorial drought and pits Republicans John Kline and Michele Bachmann against each other. But it's a Collin Peterson/Bachmann matchup in the comments. The consolation prize? Keith Ellison's new St. Paul constituents, as shown in the backend link.

Afternoon addendum: Whoops. Missed the new Rasmussen survey on GOP contenders for 2012. Minnesota's Tim Pawlenty's 1% rankes 5 full points behind "anybody else" for preference among Republicans nationwide, along with Haley Barbour. It's Mitt Romney 25%, Sarah Palin 24%, and Mike Huckabee 22%. Newt Gingrich is 14%


Al Franken finally took the oath of office. He got Paul Wellstone's bible, but the Pioneer Press's Political Animal said he'll have to settle for Norm Coleman's desk. MPR, the Pioneer Press, the Strib and everyone else managed to get stories done between acts during the Michael Jackson memorial. Politico noted that Franken cast his first vote bucking the Obama administration.


The embattled Metro Gang Strike Force got a look at its new digs and new cops at the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension offices in St. Paul yesterday. The Strib has a story, as does the PP. MPR had a Q&A with state public safety chief Michael Campion.

The same day Congressman Jim Oberstar says Minnesota is getting more than $50 million in stimulus money for weatherization projects, one of President Obama's Economic Advisory Board members says another dose of economic medicine may be required.


Whoops. Missed the new Rasmussen survey on GOP contenders for 2012. Minnesota's Tim Pawlenty rankes 5 full points behind "anybody else" among Republicans nationwide, along with Haley Barbour.