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Brod suspends gubernatorial “exploration”

State Rep. Laura Brod is suspending her nascent run for governor. She announced her plans with this letter on her facebook page:


Over the past month, I have been talking to friends, family and activists

about what it will take to win next year's election for Governor. I have

been truly humbled by the support and encouragement so many have given to

me. In just a few short weeks, a talented group of volunteers formed and

laid out a winning plan for 2010. As I am out and about, I am often asked

the question, "Are you going to run for Governor, Laura?" It is with this

question in mind that I write you today.

Recently I went in to the doctor for a yearly check up, and unfortunately,

found that I had some results from routine diagnostic tests which were

concerning. Last week, a second opinion confirmed what I originally learned

and set forth a treatment plan, after which I am certain I will get a clean

bill of health. Over the holiday weekend, my family and I decided right now

is not the right time to begin a campaign for the Governor so we are

suspending the conversations I have been having related to the potential of

my candidacy so we can focus our energy where it needs to be and will

evaluate where things are at in late summer.

For us, as Republicans and more importantly, for our state, the stakes could

not be higher. The outcome to the Governor's race will shape Minnesota's

direction for a generation as well as the national landscape as we redraw

our Congressional districts following the 2010 Census. Anyone who seeks the

Governor's office must understand that wanting to "be" Governor isn't

enough. The person must have a well-defined plan that goes beyond just

talking points for what they want to "do" as Governor. The candidate who

deserves our Republican endorsement for Governor will be the one who leads a

spirited discussion about bold ideas and real solutions. No matter who ends

up getting in the large field of candidates for Governor, I look forward to

that discussion.

Over the next several weeks, I will be sharing my ideas for solutions and

asking you for your input about where we need to go as a state to address

the challenges that Minnesota faces now and into the future. We need all

hands on deck to pull together our best ideas for how we can persuade

Minnesotans that we have better solutions to positively impact their

families in both the short and long term and get our state back on track. I

believe this is the ultimate path to victory in November 2010; it is how we

can win and chart a positive course for the future of Minnesota. One

delegate I spoke with put it best: "When we act like them, they win. When

we act like us, we win!

I look forward to seeing you along the way.

Warm regards,

Laura Brod