Abortions in Minnesota at lowest level in 30 years

The number of abortions performed in Minnesota last year was at its lowest level in more than 30 years, according to a report released Wednesday by the Minnesota Department of Health.

According to the "Induced Abortions in Minnesota Report," a total of 12,948 abortions occurred in Minnesota in 2008, down 895 from 2007.

The number peaked in 1980, when 19,028 abortions were performed statewide, and was at its lowest recorded level in 1975, when 10,565 abortions were performed.

According to the report, abortions dropped for women of all age groups last year, expect those 40 years and older, who saw a slight increase of 1.8 percent.

Most of the abortions were performed on women who permanently reside in Minnesota, although some women came from neighboring states including Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin and the Dakotas.

In all, 5,399 women who had abortions in Minnesota reported never having had a live birth, while more than 5,000 have given birth to at least one child.

Most women reported not wanting the child at the time as the main reasons for having the abortion, while a smaller number reported economic, emotional and physical health reasons for having the procedure.

This is the tenth year the Minnesota Department of Health released the report, which uses information compiled by physicians who perform abortions and are required to submit the data.