Capitol View®

The Daily Digest

State lawmakers will hold a hearing today regarding Gov. Pawlenty's plan to balance the budget on his own. Pawlenty can officially take the action on Wednesday.

State officials predict a $4.4 billion state budget deficit in 2012-13.

Wisconsin officials have yet to agree to Pawlenty's reciprocity plea.

The Political Donor Refund program dries up today.

Protesters will march today against Pawlenty's budget cuts.

The state's gas tax and sales tax for the arts and outdoors take effect on Wednesday.

A pay freeze is approved for state employees.

The Star Tribune takes a look at the new laws taking effect on Wednesday. One law changes how police can search for missing adults.

The Gang Strike Force board will discuss the creation of a temporary unit.


President Obama nominated two to ag posts in Minnesota.

A U.S. Supreme Court ruling on bias involving New Haven, CT firefighters is bringing Republican applause and Democratic criticism. The court overturned the ruling of Obama's Supreme Court pick.

GOP Rep. John Kline met with reporters on Monday. He discussed his new post as top Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee. AP and the Pi Press say it gives him a voice on the school law rewrite.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann says the climate change bill equals tyranny.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz wants the federal government out of the auto business.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar will make stops in northern Minnesota.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison is mentioned in this story on bank employees protesting anti-consumer practices.

The Wall Street Journal says states are spending more money on roads instead of public transportation. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Gov. Pawlenty's office hedges on whether he'd sign the election certificate if the court doesn't order him to sign it.

GOP Rep. John Kline also encouraged Republican Norm Coleman to continue his legal fight.

Politico wonders when/if Republicans will turn off the money spigot for Coleman.


DFL gov candidate Matt Entenza starts a clean energy tour.

Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak uses twitter to rip Pawlenty's budget skills.

A DFL leaning blog criticized/fact-checked GOP state Rep. Laura Brod's comments on universal health care.

MinnPost creates a gov checklist.


It looks like Pawlenty is headed to Nashville, TN in July.


I'm taking a break for a bit. Mr. Tim Pugmire will take over Digest duties in my absence.