Capitol View®

The Daily Digest

Gov. Pawlenty can officially start balancing the budget on his own on Wednesday. The Legislative Advisory Commission will meet again on Tuesday to discuss the cuts.

White Bear Lake copes with Pawlenty's unallotment.

So does Washington County.

Religious groups are ready to rally against the budget cuts but don't think it will make a difference.

The MN Supreme Court considers cameras in the courtroom.

The cost of court business is also going up.

Gov. Pawlenty may need a new talking point. Wisconsin overtakes Minnesota at tops in health care quality rankings.

The Minnesota Bar says unmarried and married couples deserve equal treatment.

AP looks at the sales tax for the outdoors and arts.

Police are dealing with the problems at the Metro Gang Strike Force.


U.S. troops begin to pull back from Iraqi cities.

The stimulus cash isn't a magic bullet yet.

The House passed the Climate Change bill giving President Obama a victory. Minnesota's delegation voted along party lines.

The Hill says DFL Rep. Collin Peterson's support of the bill was critical.

President Obama pressures the Senate on the climate bill.

President Obama's political adviser won't rule out a tax increase on health insurance.

DFL Rep. Betty McCollum and DFL Rep. Keith Ellison will hold separate health care forums this week.

The Pi Press says Minnesota's low Medicare reimbursement rate could be an angle for national reform.

The Wall Street Journal picks up on GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann's criticism of ACORN.

Politifact gives Bachmann two more "pants on fire" ratings.

The highway/transit bill is put in limbo. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

Congress may also impose new standards for the nation's fishing fleets. Oberstar is mentioned.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Gov. Pawlenty says he's ready to sign the election certificate as soon as he gets the green light from the court. He didn't say what he'd do if there were no instruction from the court. MPR and the Pi Press have stories.


Former GOP Rep. Jim Ramstad says he met with folks about a possible run for governor. MPR and AP have stories.


Gov. Pawlenty appeared on CNN's State of the Union on Sunday. You can watch it here.

Pawlenty criticizes the climate change bill in Congress.

Pawlenty also tells President Obama to quit spending.

Pawlenty also spoke Friday to a fundraiser for the Arkansas GOP. He emphasized limited government and touched on South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford's affair.

Pawlenty also said he's easier to find than Sanford.

DFL Rep. Tom Rukavina suggests a campaign slogan for Pawlenty's presidential bid.


I'm taking an extended break on July first. But don't worry Digest readers. MPR's Tim Pugmire will do an abbreviated Digest in my absence.