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The Daily Digest

Gov. Pawlenty modified his unallotment plan. In a letter to lawmakers, MMB's Commissioner said they're restoring funding for a private facility in Minneapolis that cares for the mentally ill. The letter also said $6 million more in property tax refunds will go out because of cuts in state aid to local government. MPR and AP have stories.

Advocates say budget cuts target the most vulnerable.

Cities say 2010 looks rough.

Newly elected GOP House Minority Leader Kurt Zellers said some of the cuts could be restored if the economy improves.

The state's high court reprimands Dakota County Attorney Jim Backstrom.

Hiawatha Light Rail marks five years. What's next for transit?

Minnesota is seeking federal help for hog farmers.

Minnesota receives energy grants from the federal government.

Republicans gather in Rochester for a fundraiser for legislative candidates.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

The FEC says Republican Norm Coleman can use some campaign cash for lawsuits. MPR, the Pi Press and the Star Tribune have stories.


The House is scheduled to vote on the climate change bill today. It's expected to pass by a small margin.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz says he met with the White House Chief of Staff to discuss the bill. He now says he'll vote for it.

The Washington Post says a deal on the health bill is close.

A federal judge in Minneapolis will take on senior status.

The White House is hunting for $20 billion for highways and transit. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is mentioned.

Oberstar says he's also "fed up" with complaints about the stimulus.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison says his trip to Saudi Arabia was within House Ethics Rules.

Ellison also says he will not vote for a health care bill that does not include a public option.

GOP Rep. John Kline will attend a July fundraiser for wounded veterans.

Kline also blogs that states should decide how testing should work under the No Child Left Behind law.

Kline also said the card check bill is stuck in legislative limbo.

The Star Tribune picks up on a story that's been bouncing around for a week. GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann says she'll only fill out part of her census form.


Gov. Pawlenty will speak tonight at a fundraiser for the Arkansas Republican Party in Little Rock.

Gov. Pawlenty opposes the new climate change bill.

NPR's Ken Rudin says Pawlenty is the likeliest of the current governors to reach the White House.

The Star Tribune picks up on the speculation that Pawlenty's chances improved as a result of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's affair.