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The Daily Digest

An official with MMB says they may propose some changes to the Governor's unallotment plan as early as today.

The Pi Press interviewed Gov. Pawlenty. He laid his budget cuts at the feet of DFLers.

AP says the 35W bridge memorial is making slow progress because of a lack of fundraising.

A meeting is the next step in determining Iron Range mesothelioma.

The U of M Regents agree to job cuts and an alcohol ban.

A deadline looms for Minnesota's "clean diesel" grant applications.

Smart Politics wonders whether newly elected GOP House Minority Leader Kurt Zellers is politically vulnerable.

Zellers will appear on MPR's Midday today at 11.


MPR says the climate bill faces a tough road despite DFL Rep. Collin Peterson's support.

The Hill says the changes to the climate bill were made because of the power of the ethanol lobby.

President Obama will begin to lay the groundwork for the immigration debate.

Conservatives criticize President Obama's town hall meeting on health care.

A tax on health care benefits also advances.

The female members of the Senate push for the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar is mentioned.

The U.S. House Labor panel approves a pension plan bill. GOP Rep. John Kline is mentioned.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison's privately paid trip to Mecca prompts a debate.

Several DFL members of the delegation help launch efforts to change the trade law.

Lawmakers, like DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar, urge Obama to drop his transportation plan.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

WCCO and the Star Tribune wonder why it's taking so long.


DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher, who is considering a run for governor, visited Mankato.

MinnPost says GOP state Rep. Laura Brod could be an intriguing candidate for governor.

Will DFL Rep. Betty McCollum face a primary opponent because of her stance on health care legislation?


The craziness over South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford's affair can only boost Gov. Pawlenty's presidential chances.

Reuters has a fact box on the possible candidates in 2012.


The New York Daily News clearly beat the New York Post in the headline battle regarding Sanford.