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The Daily Digest: 6-18-09

The Legislative Advisory Commission will meet this afternoon to discuss Gov. Pawlenty's unallotment plan.

DFLers call Pawlenty stubborn on cuts.

Critics are taking aim at Pawlenty's plan.

Cities are also dealing with the aid cuts.

DFL Sen. Linda Berglin said the governor's move to use Health Care Access Fund money for unallotment exceeds his authority.

WCCO looks at who was spared from the budget cuts.

Gov. Pawlenty also wrote a letter to Wisconsin's governor telling him that he would examine ending the state's tax reciprocity agreement if Wisconsin doesn't speed up its payments to Minnesota.

The state will release its May job numbers today.

The Mayo Clinic announces it will expand at the megamall. They can't say what the facility will focus on or when it will be available to the public. But we're told it will be a "gateway."

Input is being sought for the future of an ammunition plant. DFL Rep. Betty McCollum is mentioned.

Minnesotans examine rising workers' comp costs.

There are more 35W bridge suits on tap.

A jury rules that 3M did not cause a loss in property values.


GOP Rep. John Kline is now the top Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee. Politico, Forum Communications, the Pi Press, KSTP and MPR have stories. You can also listen to an interview with Kline here.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz says he's still undecided about the climate change bill. It comes at a time when the White House begins an energy push.

Politico also reports that DFL Rep. Collin Peterson blocked President Obama's financial reform proposal.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison voted against the war funding.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann opposes plans to extend the Northstar Commuter Rail Line to St. Cloud. She answered a few questions (written only). You can read her written answers here.

The Transportation Secretary wants a delay in the highway bill. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar doesn't.

Oberstar will lay out his vision for transportation today. He wants a 57% jump in spending.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar writes an op-ed on health care.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann says she won't fill out the entire census. Has anyone told her that Minnesota is in a street fight to maintain eight seats in Congress?

She also blogs that she's committed to reducing the deficit.

Kline and GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen are also members of the caucus.

A comic book on Bachmann is also in print.

President Obama's approval has dropped below 60% in Minnesota.

A new poll says the public is increasingly concerned about the deficit.

President Obama signed a memo extending some benefits, such as visitation or dependent-care rights, to the same-sex partners of gay federal employees.


DFL gov candidate Matt Entenza rips Pawlenty's plan on unallotment.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

PIM says the Supreme Court ruling will come down today but relies on unnamed sources. For the record Coleman's campaign manager, who is a party to the lawsuit, said he has not been notified of anything regarding the timing of the ruling.