U of M students protest re-election of Iranian president

Students protest Iranian election
Mohaamed Ebtehaj (center) is a Ph.D student in civil engineering at the U of M. Ebtehaj left Iran two years ago, and says he's concerned over reports of fraud in the recent presidential election in Iran.
MPR Photo/Tim Post

About two dozen Iranian students protested Monday at the University of Minnesota over Iran's recent presidential election.

The students voiced concern over the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying the election was a fraud.

Mohaamed Ebtehaj joined in the protest. He left Iran two years ago, and is now a civil engineering student at the U of M.

"We get together here to deliver our voice to the world that Iranian people deserve more, and Ahmadinejad doesn't represent Iran," Ebtehaj said.

Ebtehaj said he hopes protests across the globe push world leaders to investigate allegations of fraud in the Iranian election.