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The Daily Digest: 6-12-09

The Pi Press says drug companies spent less on doctors in Minnesota last year.

There is a hearing today to determine the scope of the I-35W bridge lawsuit.

DFL House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher is questioning Gov. Pawlenty's unallotment authority. The Star Tribune story followed a MinnPost article posted yesterday.

For the record, Steve Perry reported these meetings a few weeks ago.

Regions Hospital puts a face on the cuts.

The U of M may ban booze at the new football stadium and arenas.

The Minnesota Supreme Court approves Instant Runoff Voting in Minneapolis. MPR, the Star Tribune and AP have stories.

The state's unemployment fund is running dangerously low.

A report says green jobs are surging in Minnesota.

Gov. Pawlenty sat down with Fox 9 news and Capitol Report.

Secretary of State Mark Ritchie says he wants to tweak the voter registration system.

The state says H1N1 cases have doubled.

The Bell Museum won't be in the U of M's bonding bill request next year.


Six DFL or possible candidates for governor attended a forum on environmental issues. The Minnesota Environmental Partnership invited 17 Republican and DFL candidates.

You can follow my tweets from the forum (and why the Orlando Magic lost last night) here.

Republican businessman Brian Sullivan announced that he won't run for governor. The Pi Press, MPR and AP have stories.


President Obama visited Green Bay, WI and said the time to fix health care is now.

He also wrote a note to excuse a ten year old for missing class.

The Senate passed a bill that would give the FDA more power over tobacco.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar introduces Medicare legislation.

Klobuchar says she's impressed the high court nominee.

The head of the USDA says the climate change bill needs some improvement. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson is mentioned.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has contacted DFL Rep. Collin Peterson to see why he's holding up the climate change bill. The report also said Democrats want to know where DFL Rep. Tim Walz stands on the bill.

Walz also told Politico that he doesn't think the Senate is going to do anything on the issue.

The New York Times, however, reports that Speaker Pelosi said there will be a climate bill.

GOP Rep. John Kline is in line to be the top Republican on the Education and Labor Committee.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison condemns the Holocaust Museum attack.

Ellison will also attend the opening of a new Mosque in Boston.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann stands up for an auto dealer who donated $100,000 to GOP candidates.