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The Daily Digest: 6-4-09

Gov. Pawlenty's exit doesn't mean he'll be a lame duck next session. AP says he has several bargaining chips.

Health care providers are worried about Gov. Pawlenty's plans for unallotment. They say the cuts in law are enough and are thinking about a lawsuit if Pawlenty makes deeper cuts.

Several lawmakers also talked about limiting unallotment powers.

The reins get tighter on Minnesota's charter schools.

The Legacy Act will protect land up north.

The Metrodome expects to lose $2 million a year when the Twins and Gophers leave.

Microsoft picks St. Paul for its software office.

The Pi Press also has a story on how Burnsville's $20 million Arts Center isn't attracting any artists

but I can't find the link to the story. I'll post when it's available.

MinnPost wonders whether Pawlenty's decision to not run for a third term will impact a new Vikings stadium.

GOP Rep. Tom Emmer says he is running for House Minority Leader now that Marty Seifert is leaving his leadership post (see below).


President Obama calls for a "new beginning" between U.S. and Muslims.

He mentioned the first Muslim was elected to Congress a few years ago but didn't cite DFL Rep. Keith Ellison by name. You can read the speech here. MPR will air Obama's speech at noon today.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz, who just returned from Syria, said he's optimistic about the Middle East.

Obama also outlined his health care for all plan.

Minnesota car dealers went to Washington to make the pitch to keep their dealerships open.

DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar tells the chiefs at Chrysler and GM that car dealers want answers.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz is skeptical of more aid for automakers.

The New York Times says Republicans don't have enough votes to filibuster Obama's Supreme Court pick.

Klobuchar will meet with Sonia Sotomayor today.

DFL Rep. Tim Walz says he's open to detaining some Gitmo detainees in Rochester.

The House puts the climate change bill on the fast track. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson, who opposes the bill, is mentioned.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued an ultimatum to Peterson and others that they will move the bill or lose jurisdiction over it.

Vulnerable Democrats are concerned about calls for hiking the gas tax. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar will roll out a transportation bill that could include a gas tax hike.


GOP House Minority Leader Marty Seifert is giving up his leadership post and is considering a run for governor. The Pi Press, MPR and the Star Tribune cover that and what other GOP candidates are in the mix. The Pi Press, MPR, the Star Tribune, KARE, Forum Communications, WCCO and MinnPost have stories.

State Rep. Morrie Lanning is also considering a run.

Former GOP Congressman Jim Ramstad is noncommittal on a possible run.

DFL Congressman Tim Walz says he's not interested in the gig.

Here's a checklist of the candidates.

The Fix downplays speculation on whether Republican Norm Coleman could run for governor.

Stu Rothenberg rates Minnesota's 3rd (GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen) and 6th (GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann) as "Republican favored."

Bachmann will also face a Republican challenger.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

Republican Norm Coleman will deliver the keynote speech today at a conservative conference in St. Louis.

The Pi Press said the head of the NRSC isn't so interested in World War 3.


Gov. Pawlenty made a few national TV appearances yesterday but still didn't rule anything in or out about a potential future run. Pawlenty also said Sonia Sotomayor should get a hearing sooner rather than later.

Talking Points Memo also said Pawlenty left a little wiggle room about issuing the election certificate in Minnesota's long-running U.S. Senate race.