Art Hounds: Philip K. Dick, Black Label Movement, and air guitar

Each week Minnesota Public Radio News asks three people from the Minnesota arts scene to be "Art Hounds." Their job is to step outside their own work and hunt down something exciting that's going on in local arts.

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This Week:

Melanie Ulrich
Melanie Ulrich works in Human Resources at Twin Cities Public Television.
Photo Courtesy of Melanie Ulrich

Melanie Ulrich works in Human Resources at Twin Cities Public Television and a board member for Theater in the Round Players. Melanie craves science fiction theater, so she's excited to see "800 Words: The Transmigration of Philip K. Dick." Dick was the author of "Bladerunner" and "Minority Report." "800 Words" is on stage at the Playwright's Center in MInneapolis through June 7.

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Betsy Maloney
Betsy Maloney teaches dance at Mainstreet School for Performing Arts in Hopkins.
Photo Courtesy of Betsy Maloney

Betsy Maloney teaches dance at Mainstreet School for Performing Arts in Hopkins. Maloney went to see "Field Songs," a new dance performed by the Minneapolis-based dance company 'Black Label Movement,' and thought it was wonderful. "Field Songs" is being performed at the Southern Theater through June 7.

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Greg Swan manages Perfect Porridge, a music news and review blog in Minneapolis. Greg is going to watch musicians with imaginary axes battle for bragging rights at the U.S. Air Guitar Championships at the Varsity Theater in Minneapolis, Friday June 4.

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